Admission to The Southover Partnership School and Outreach Service is via referral from a local authority or the child’s school for assistance with respite schooling. We accept pupils, at the discretion of the trustees, regardless of gender, race, religious belief or sexual orientation who have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) and are aged usually between 9 -19 years of age. Other factors taken into account include:
- Have Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties (SEMH)
- Are in care.
- Have experienced a fragmented school experience.
- Are in need of educational provision that can be tailored to meet their individual needs.
- Are living with Autism (ASD).
- Have a range of learning needs.
Admissions Flowchart
1. Local Authority sends referral papers.
2. Executive Headteacher, Heads of School, Head of Outreach Services and other specialists consider papers and make initial decision as to whether we can meet the student’s needs and on which site.
3. Initial decision is communicated to the Local Authority.
4. Contact is made with parents/carers and a tour and visit to the school is booked. For the outreach service, a home visit is booked followed by a risk assessment.
5. If families are happy to continue, school will carry out further assessments as needed and/or invite the child into school for taster days and an informal assessment.
6. Southover makes a placement offer if deemed appropriate by the school and informs the Local Authority with provision details and costings.
7. If placement is agreed, then the Local Authority will name The Southover Partnership School on the child’s EHCP.
8. Parents agree transport arrangements with Local Authority if required
9. The student and parents/carers will be sent a welcome pack.
10. A further home visit is arranged where necessary and a transition plan put in place which could involve a phased entry or a blend of home and on-site schooling.